
The Red Ones Are Better

Red bell peppers are fantastically high in vitamin C. Besides being a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C helps your body absorb IRON properly. If you are iron deficient, try combining red peppers with your iron source for maximum absorption. If you want to MAXIMIZE availability of vitamins and carotenoids from bell pepper, allow this amazing vegetable to ripen.

While technically a fruit, red peppers are low in sugar and higher in nutrients than other types of peppers. They are a good source of SILICON, which erase wrinkles and makes skin more youthful by strengthening the connective tissues in our body. If you’re deficient in silicon, it shows up as sagging skin and other signs of aging.

Recent research has shown that sweet red peppers can increase metabolic rate. Its delicious and burns calories too! Who knew that there was more than a beautiful color in that skin. Amazing, isn't it?