
When Should You Eat Your Bananas?

The more dark patches a banana has, the more RIPE it is, and the more TNF it contains (Tumor Necrosis Factor). TNF stops tumor cells growth and BOOSTS our immune system.

Fruits that are ripe are alkaline-forming. Organic fruits are the most ALKALINE, because they are grown in mineral-dense soil. Fruits that are not ripe can actually be acid-forming. For example, if you were to test the pH of two different bananas, you would find that the one that has the most black spots has a higher and more alkaline pH than the one with green top and no black spots!

So remember to reach for only ripe fruits to eat or use in your smoothies. And next time you see a banana with brown spots eat it up and give your body a health boost and some extra ENERGY.

But, I asked a trick question.  You should always be eating bananas.  Look for my next post where I detail the health benefits of green bananas!