
Remember - Relax and Enjoy Life

We are constantly reminded that life is a struggle, that work is difficult, that solving our problems will take effort, and that earning money or losing weight is so hard.  We have all been loaded with so much negative propaganda about our lives that it is a wonder we can remember how to be happy at all. Our society is focused on competition, and consumerism and making us forget how to RELAX and ENJOY our journey through life. This mindset drains our spiritual, creative energy.

Lets look around. The natural world is active, constantly growing and evolving and doing it without any effort. Everything that is important in the world is done without the kind of effort that we are used to.  The forests grow effortlessly, the seasons change effortlessly, the cells of our body change effortlessly.  Our body doing tens of thousands actions in order to keep us alive without any input from our conscious mind.

Our conscious mind is not meant to be used to worry about any of the functions of living. I am not saying do nothing, just start trusting your body and learn how to relax sometimes. Say THANK YOU to your body, meditate, send some love to your body and it will return it. As a result you will balance your cortisol hormone which can cause problems when in excess. It is a risk factor for depression, osteoporosis, weight gain or loss, high blood pressure and many issues in your health. Please slow down a little, learn how to relax and LOVE your body.