A bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado sandwich is one of the most delicious combinations. So how can we make a pork-free, guilt-free version of this irresistable sandwich? The secret is to replace the bacon with naturally flavored tempeh, commonly available in many supermarkets. Its salty, tangy, savory flavor stands in for bacon so well you might prefer it. There are also varieties of tempeh flavored with natural smoke and maple syrup. Yum! I also like to use a wheat-free, gluten free bread.
Tempeh is a fermented soy cake, a more easily digestible soy product. Fermented soy contains less of the oligosaccharides found in other soy products that can lead to gas and indigestion. This process may also produce additional B12 not found in other soy. Addtionally, fermentation lowers the amount of phytic acid present, helping your body absorb more minerals.
This sandwich is a perfect summertime treat, sure to satisfy that savory craving. Goes great with picnics, cucumber salad and ice tea!