Have you ever seen a rain on a sunny day? What about two rainbows in the sky? I understood one simple thing: with your attitude towards this world you paint your reality in bright, cheerful or dark colors.
If a significant part of your thoughts refers to negative experiences, your life will become worse every day. And vice versa, when the storm doesn’t stop your soul "dancing in the rain" and you start jumping in those mud paddles, reality around you will start to brighten up.
There will always be car and plane accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters but don’t concentrate on them unless you can help somehow. Don’t let the news about it to become a part of your reality everyday. Don’t fixate on bad things. Fix your attention only on what you want to see in your world, turn away from everything else. Bad news will not go away but the atmosphere around you can change.
Both heaven and hell are not somewhere else or in other dimensions, they are here in our hearts.