
The Importance of Vitamin D

Although we call it a vitamin, Vitamin D isn’t really a vitamin at all. Vitamins are substances the body requires in small amounts it cannot make and must be supplied by food you eat. However, humans can make Vitamin D with exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D interacts with more than 30 different tissues in the body and affects more than 1,000 genes! In other words, it’s important for your whole body!

There are two primary forms of vitamin D:

  • Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2), which comes from yeast and is present in mushrooms
  • Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), found in fish oil and generated by the body in sunlight

Vitamin D is critical for many functions in the body. Works with parathyroid hormone (PTH) to control Calcium and Phosphorous used for strong bones, muscle contractions, nerve conduction, and the general function of all our cells. You need Calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin K for healthy bones. Vitamin D is necessary for muscle strength.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause low estrogen in women (low sex drive) and low testosterone in men. Low testosterone and estrogen can even cause depression and anxiety. Estrogen helps to keep us calm and happy!

It also activates the genes that release Dopamine and Serotonin. The lack of these neurotransmitters is commonly linked to depression.

Vitamin D supplementation is important for women with PCOS because it helps improve fertility, possibly improves mood, might help symptoms of hyperandrogenism and improves insulin resistance. Some evidence even suggests that Vitamin D supplementation early in life may protect against diabetes. A 2015 study published in Acta Pediatrica found that getting enough Vitamin D during pregnancy and early infancy reduced the number of primary care visits for the baby.

Vitamin D has a significant impact on the immune system. It increases our resistance to infections, particularly bacterial and viral infections that impact our respiratory tract. There is evidence that it can help prevent disease flare-ups in people with inflammatory bowel disease. Studies also suggest it can improve the symptoms of atopic dermatitis (eczema). This protective effect may be particularly important for people with asthma. Check your Vitamin D levels if you have asthma!

Your heart contains Vitamin D receptors as well, and Vitamin D is important for maintaining healthy heart function and blood pressure.

The dairy industry has led our doctors believe that milk is our best source of Vitamin D. The truth is: pasteurized milk is linked to both calcium and vitamin D deficiency disorders! Synthetic vitamin D is only half as effective as natural and can even block the effect of natural Vitamin D! It can be toxic and effect calcium levels.

The best source of Vitamin D is sunlight. Unlike food and supplement sources, it is very difficult to get too much Vitamin D this way.

So now you know how important Vitamin D is and why it's important to get it from natural sources! For more information about PCOS, check out my free ebook Balancing Your Hormones Naturally!