
Viewing posts for the category Hormones

How can you stop the disruptive cycle?

With the exception of color additives and a few prohibited ingredients, a cosmetic manufacturer may use almost any raw material as a cosmetic ingredient and market the product without an approval from the FDA,”- FDA.

The cosmetic industry is not FDA approved but FDA regulated. So, it has been flying under this umbrella for the past 81 years. The last piece of federal regulation (a single page) was passed in 1938. What this means is that cosmetic companies are free to do whatever they want without government supervision, bottling and packaging known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors into products that we use every single day, such as mascara, face wash, shampoo, deodorant, etc. Companies can use any adjectives to market their products like “green” and “eco”. This means that what goes on the front of the package has no relevance to what ingredients they list at the back of it. They can hide any ingredient behind the words “fragrance” and “parfum”. It is truly a “whatever works is good enough” formula.

Why So Many Diets Fail And Misconceptions We Have About Them

I’ve totally been there, feeling like nothing works. I struggled with weight loss and horrible skin after the birth of my daughter (which was embarrassing as I was on a very good diet being a nutritionist) . You probably feel me on this one: the doctor told me that weight loss is just a case of simple math—that all it takes is to “eat less and exercise more” and gave me a toxic cream for my skin. I got so angry, I am just one of the women all over that feel bad being told this BS, i.e. that they just need more self-control when it comes to weight loss. It is totally wrong!

Find out which hormone affects your weight and body shape!

In addition to helping us manage stress, cortisol performs ALL KIND of tasks in the body. It is highly anti-inflammatory, which is why people take prednisone (a synthetic corticosteroid medication) or get cortisone shots when they are in pain or why cortisone creams are used to treat skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It works by preventing the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. But we all know there can be too much of a good thing, what happens when your cortisol goes crazy?

Is CBD Oil Just Hype, Or Does It Really Help With Stress, Fertility and Hormones?

As usual, I research any tool I add in your toolbox when it comes to balancing our hormones and helping you to have a life free of annoying symptoms. Like all of you, I've been hearing about CBD oils for what feels like years, but is it all just hype? I always want to dig deep and get to the bottom of whether or not something can really help ladies like you and me. What I learned about how CBD products effect our hormones surprised me.

You Need To Stop Guessing And Test To Get Answers

Do you have a feeling that your health problems might be caused by hormones? Test, don't guess. You can do it from the comfort of your own home now! Once you’ve discovered that your symptoms (stubborn belly fat, the tiredness, the lack of sex drive, the acne, the hair loss) are connected to your hormone imbalances, you’re already one step ahead of so many people and you are already headed towards good health. But, what’s next?