
Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation is your body’s response to stress and foreign invaders (bacterial, viruses, metals, wound or trauma.) In the case of infection, inflammation is good and helps protect your body. However, in our busy and stress filled lives, along with the toxic chemicals in our environment, most of us live with a chronic, low-grade inflammation slowly destroying the balance of our bodies, hormones and metabolism.

Questions and Answers

I love answering questions on Instagram. Helping people directly is so much fun. Here are all my latest answers to my followers. If you have a question, follow me and ask me yourself. I'm always looking for an interesting issue to research.

A Mindset For Real Change

Real change can not accur for you until you truly desire to change! When the pain of not changing overwhelms the pain of change, then you decide to transform your life.

Don't Wait For Happiness

Today is the day to STOP living for the future. This present moment is all that you will ever experience, so enjoy the present.  Too many people postpone their HAPPINESS waiting for some future goal to manifest. People decide that they will be happy “when I get a better job,” “when I meet the love of my life,” “when my children are grown,” 'when I retire.” We use these EXCUSES, and many others to allow ourselves to live with less enjoyment and happiness than we deserve.

Finding Happiness

Have you ever seen a rain on a sunny day? What about two rainbows in the sky? I understood one simple thing: with your attitude towards this world you paint your reality in bright, cheerful or dark colors.