
Finding True Love

If your partner left you, or you are in a search for LOVE, first you need to learn how to love YOURSELF. If you don't think you can love yourself the way you are, try to change something, get inspired. Join a gym. Start learning a foreign language. Try to dress in a new, exciting way. Changing your routine, and making your life fun helps you gain a new sense of life. Taking care of yourself, for yourself, has rewards that others will see. It really is a worthy goal, and it will attract luck and prosperity to you.

The Meaning of Life

I discarded the idea that the physical universe is a meaningless, uncaring, random machine, that human consciousness is a chemical accident within this machine.  There is order and meaning in life, if you create it for yourself.

Turn Hope Into Reality

Dont just HOPE for wonderful things happen in your life, EXPECT them to happen, generate the feeling of joyful expectation.  Expect health to flow to you. Expect that all of your goals will be realized. Banish doubt and worry and replace them with expectations. Expect to meet people who will introduce GREAT ideas to you.

Remember - Relax and Enjoy Life

We are constantly reminded that life is a struggle, that work is difficult, that solving our problems will take effort, and that earning money or losing weight is so hard.  We have all been loaded with so much negative propaganda about our lives that it is a wonder we can remember how to be happy at all. Our society is focused on competition, and consumerism and making us forget how to RELAX and ENJOY our journey through life. This mindset drains our spiritual, creative energy.

Biological Age vs. Physiological Age

Our biological age is influenced by our psychological age. So, the thoughts we constantly think directly influence how old we look! "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves" - Buddha