
A Happy Exercise for your Cells

After age thirty five, on average, you lose five pounds of muscle every decade. You will definitely start to notice the change over the course of middle age. It happens at the cellular level because your mitochondria become tired, a process known as mitochondrial dysfunction, which may make you feel more fatigued during and after exercise or cause muscle pain.

When Should You Eat Your Bananas?

The more dark patches a banana has, the more RIPE it is, and the more TNF it contains (Tumor Necrosis Factor). TNF stops tumor cells growth and BOOSTS our immune system.

Get Your Protein From Plants

When we compare calories to protein content per one hundred calories,  steak only has 5.4 grams. Broccoli has 11.2 grams of protein and romaine lettuce has 11.6 grams of protein. Calorie for calorie, PLANT FOOD has almost twice as much protein as meat. Sure we have to eat a greater volume of plant food, but that is a good thing—the more plant foods we eat, the more nutrients and FIBER we’ll get.

Sweeteners You Thought Were Natural Aren't

Agave syrup (or agave nectar) is a highly processed sugar, almost all fructose, with great marketing.  The truth is a lot more complicated than the branding would have you believe.

Russian Sauerkraut Recipe

Russian style tasty raw PROBIOTIC sauerkraut has nothing to do with soggy, commercial sauerkraut you see on fast food hotdogs or buy in the supermarket. This sauerkraut is a powerful source of PROBIOTICS and ENZYMES.  You'll be surprised how easy it is to make this yourself, and you can sneak a healthy topping on your husband's hotdogs!