
Viewing posts for the category Health

Sweeteners You Thought Were Natural Aren't

Agave syrup (or agave nectar) is a highly processed sugar, almost all fructose, with great marketing.  The truth is a lot more complicated than the branding would have you believe.

Looking For A Boost At The Gym?

Three tablespoons of Hemp Seeds supply eleven grams of easily assimilated protein. If you’re looking to build bulkier muscle and add additional protein to your diet, one of the best ways to do that is through a hemp protein shake combined with weight lifting exercises. Let me know if you are interested in my powerful plant-based PROTEIN smoothie.

The Red Ones Are Better

Red bell peppers are fantastically high in vitamin C. Besides being a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C helps your body absorb IRON properly. If you are iron deficient, try combining red peppers with your iron source for maximum absorption. If you want to MAXIMIZE availability of vitamins and carotenoids from bell pepper, allow this amazing vegetable to ripen.

Banish the Bland From Your Salads

If you ever see a salad green referred to as “rocket,” it’s simply another name for arugula, or roquette in French. Arugula is one of the leafy green vegetables that contain cleansing properties to counteract the poisoning effects of heavy metals in the system. It also has the ability to eradicate pesticides and herbicides from the body.

Are You Eating More Sugar Than You Think?

The ingredient list is the most important piece of text on a product’s packaging. Why? Because it shows everything you are about to put into your lovely body.