
Ladies, You Wouldn't Believe What I See Everyday!

Ladies with hormone imbalances...

Trying to get better.


New fad diets.

And ...

The Secret To A Perfect Body Is Not What You Think!

Ten pounds lighter in 10 days.
Ideal abs in 30 days.
Crushing goals.
Losing weight is your New Years Resolution.
15 ways to lose weight fast and get those ideal abs.

5 Health Benefits Of CBD

CBD ProductI've done my research as usual and was pleasantly surprised about how CBD products can help us regulate our hormones. I'm excited to try them and let you know what I think. Can't just do a post without my usual routine – sharing useful information with you my darlings. Here are some benefits of CBD oil...

How Can We Free Trapped Emotions?

Almost everyone carries around old emotional energies from their past. We hold onto trapped emotions, and often a simple touch or even familiar fragrance can bring out a flood of emotions and memories. Trapped emotional energy will always get stuck in the physical body, and the organ or tissue that is within that area will pick up the vibrational energy of the trapped emotion. Your body will be stuck with this emotional vibration producing cortisol non stop.

Five Cholesterol Myths And What You Should Eat Instead

You knew there was a bit of an over-emphasis (borderlining obsession) about cholesterol, right?

Before we jump into some myths let's make sure we're on the same page when it comes to what exactly cholesterol is.