
Is Gluten Hype or a Real Hazard?

You probably hear something about gluten five times a day.  What is all the hype about? You feel ok eating bread every day and you don’t have a celiac disease.


Do you guys know that if you are looking for a delicious and effective way to lose weight, raspberries can be your best, natural option? The trace mineral, manganese, keeps your metabolic rate high and helps you to burn fat.

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Your daily routine effects which hormones your body produces, and the balance your life effects the balance of your body. All of these hormones have job descriptions and there are a lot to keep track of.  It can all sound really complicated, but I'm going to make it simple enough you'll be an expert in no time!

Best Tomato Salad Ever

Do you guys want to try the best ever tomato salad? It's soo good! I'm sure it's pretty hard to surprise you with just a tomato salad, but trust me that the right tomato salad can bring out unexpected flavors. Its not complicated either, this recipe is, in fact, very simple. The most interesting thing we are going to make is a honey dressing. Yes, the combination of tomatoes, onions and honey is delicious.

Are BPA Free Plastics Safe?

How many moms of toddlers do we have here? With you ladies I wanted to share why I don't use plastic sippy cups for my daughter. As I explained to you before, many plastics contain endocrine disrupting chemicals and they can be especially hard on children!  Here is an alternative you'll want to order today!